Product Name
1. Please capitalize all the first letters of product title name.
2. Please involved product related key wards and product main features.
Product Price
Products in Amanbo are all in Ksh, please ensure the price of your product is correct.
Product Image
1. The size of product image is 750*750. Please make sure your products have at least 3 images, including one product image (white background), one product scene image and one product functional image.
2. The width of product images at product description category is 900px.
Product Keywords
Please edit right and appropriate keywords for your products so Amanbo can show the right products to seller’s target customers.
1. 产品标题单词首字母全部大写
2. 标题包含关键词+产品的主要卖点特色。
3. 产品价格要求价格需要包含空运费用,且平台所有价格皆使用肯尼亚货币先令(Ksh)。请确保价格准确无误以免客户错误下单。
4. 产品图片要求:产品白底图+产品场景+功能图。平台共有5张产品图位置可供上传。产图片尺寸为750px*750px。
5. 产品详情页图片尺寸:高度不限,宽度900px。
6. 所有的产品图片里请确保不要包含商家个人的联系方式或商标水印等。
7. 产品关键词(keywords),请根据自身的产品撰写编辑准确并合适的关键词,从而让平台更准确的展示卖家的产品给对应的目标用户。
8. 产品发布相关所有文字内容,包括图片里如有文字展示,请确保全部为英文。
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